Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sitting off

Well hello & welcome to the world of the blogging window cleaner, courtesy of me, Sinbad.

Been sitting off in the garden whilst is sunny as fuck and thought about gerrin more involved in technology and the Internet. There's only so much redtube any single fat man can watch in a day.

I've upgraded me phone recently from the classic Nokia 3310 to one of these Blackberry things, so I'm getting into the 20th century & decided to complement the phone upgrade with a blog. Got to say the Nokia was well better, cant play snake on this thing?

I plan to thrill you over the coming weeks of life in and around Brookside Close, tell you the inside secrets like how Billy Corkhill is afraid to use an inside toilet and has to shit in a potty in the shed - that kind of stuff.

I'll retell the old classics, like the time i saw Edna Cross noshing off Harry in the potting shed, the look on her face as she ran inside when i turned up with my chamois and ladders was priceless. Harry's face was somewhat more pained as he still had Edna's teeth clamped round his cock.

I'll also be posting my pearls of wisdom, commenting on the state of the world - and how much i think David Cameron is a cunt.

Feel free to reply and post questions and I'll do my best to answer.

You can also follow me on Twitter @sinbadbrookie

From your fat friendly window cleaner.